Art: A Plastic Bag Or A Tree
We talked about the nature of freedom, allowing creativity to be emancipated from our fear of being exposed to the limited person we are once we all gathered back in the studio. It was interesting to open up about it, especially coming from guys I considered so talented. My take has always been that no matter how gifted you are, it’s the work you put into it that will outline the path ahead. I guess that’s why, for me, success, as we too often see it, especially when it comes to art, doesn’t have anything to do with popularity or stardom. Damo is a perfect example of that; he lived a modest lifestyle compared to the rock stars he probably inspired, but his riches were of the spirit and soul. And while you don’t have to be poor and broken to be relevant, some are more fortunate than others. I believe that you have to sharpen your inner self to craft something that will survive the test of time. We live in an era of plastic mass production, indestructible, and somehow eternal… Despite this, when I look at the forest surrounding my home in Virginia, I can witness the cycle of life regenerating itself from one dead tree to what keeps offering, way after their fall. My perception of art is the same; too many plastic bags and so few trees. It’s with that idea in mind that we started the listening sessions…