“As Collective Hope Sets In”
We all concluded the session for “As Morning Sets In” in a global state of euphoria. We hugged each other, and took an instant to fully seize the moment… Nobody wanted to leave the Upper Room. We knew this was a real breakthrough for us, one that I believe was even transcending the song itself. In some strange way, it reminded me of my favorite book… Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea”, which is about anyone’s capacity to have resilience, courage, and perseverance while facing what looks like an impossible challenge to face and grow through. That was “it” for us… From Jeff saying that the song sucked about 10 days prior, Ben “fighting” with Mikko over the necessity of revisiting it, and Mikko’s insistence to prevent us from scrapping the whole thing, all the way to now…with everyone on the verge of tears. What happened in between goes far beyond chord progression changes or sonic rearrangements. It’s hard to pinpoint what it is, but that type of intense situation is what bonds people together way deeper than the task they are working on and the potential accomplishment it might turn into. The true outcome of the project is experienced long before it will ever be completed. For us, it just happened “now”.

It was almost 10 pm, and dinner was ready at 7:30 pm, which helped perpetuate our tradition of eating cold and dry meals. Let’s say that tonight tasted particularly awesome considering the circumstances it took place in. We even had wine our friends had offered to us not knowing what we had been through all day. A little wink from the invisible saying “Keep pressing on”. (Yes, the “invisible” talks to me in my head as well. That’s why it’s a little crowded in there sometimes 😉 ) We were all burned out but didn’t want to leave the table. We were talking and laughing. If we knew the next day would potentially be even more intense, the moment was worth a celebration and we all dwelled on it to the fullest, until we started to leave one after the other to get some rest.
I took Mikko aside before heading back to my office – I was too excited to take notes for this actual journal post – thanked him for the day, and also felt compelled to tell him I was proud of him, that he had shown a lot of leadership and personal humility today. He turned that to the collective accomplishment before I insisted on saying that I wasn’t talking to the collective, but to him, not the music producer, not the ship’s captain but him, the person. “Take it, it’s yours, brother.” He genuinely smiled back at me, and said as we walked away: “Oh Alex, wait for a second.” Would we have a more intimate conversation?, I wondered. “Tomorrow, if you can arrive around 10:30-11:00 am to work on your guide vocal, that would be great. Have a good night.” He smiled and I laughed within. See, that’s what complicity is all about for me.
As I told you in the diary about the “Ballad of Sleeping Leo”, Leonard wasn’t particularly happy with me waking him up at 5:30 am this morning and was kinda mad I didn’t bring him to the studio all day. So, look what happened when he finally joined “me” in the Upper Room.