Break the Cycle
I joined Ben in the studio before lunch. I hate routines and rebuke structures, but I nonetheless split the schedules into rendezvous, and one of them is Ben and my morning sessions, where we look into what we did the day before or keep diving into specific elements of a song in a more intimate format. It’s a sacred moment for me, and it allows us to commune in a completely different way than when we are several around the conversational table…
One of the songs I wanted to approach with Ben is titled “Burning the Bridges”. It is more up-tempo and a direct emotional display, something I felt was aligned with the difficult motion designed to actualize a decision to break a cycle in your life, whatever it might be. It could be a physical one, but in that case, I was looking for a spiritual angle. The concept’s premise was that we are all in orbit turning around an element to which we gave power to in order to keep us captive of its attraction until we believe that it is us, and need an even more significant force to stop the orbital cycle that became our life center. It’s about the past as much as it is about the decisions we make every day, the admission of our captive situation being a step away from it. It’s everything that takes place between the initial move to the rest of the motion that I want to explore… creatively and personally.