Day 1: Jenga This Down
Today was a mix of stress, enthusiasm, and letting go. It started pretty intensely for Ben as he had to change a whole lot of technical elements in the studio based on Mikko’s advice and experience, followed by turning around our rehearsal space in order to maximize its live recording energy. It took Ben a week to set everything in place before I got to the HQ, so making a quick turnaround wasn’t a small task considering all the gear we have and all the wires they require. It’s pretty much like a Jenga game; every block has a purpose or holds together something else that has one, so any time you dare to move one of those single intricate elements is like asking for a global catastrophe to fall down on your helpless self… No need to say that when you have a producer, an engineer, and 5 musicians waiting for you to move stuff around, to plug, unplug, move again, plug, unplug, sound check, move more stuff, plug, unplug, sound check, realize it was better the other way around, unplug, remove and replace stuff where it was and plug for some more hours, it could be pretty stressful for the one having to coordinate the whole affair: Ben.

Ben is an extraordinary tech, engineer, and producer in his own rights, sweet as a baby rabbit before the Easter season. He is the most empowering person to have on your corner when you are insecure like I can be at times, but when he’s on a mission with a clock ticking over his head, he’s focused like an eagle looking for prey, and you better move out of his way. He’s in a Terminator type of mode. So when I started doing some of my required daily steps in the church while getting myself mentally ready for whatever was coming next – which I didn’t know and therefore didn’t have any control over – I was clearly in his way every time I’d get closer to his path going from the control room to the live rehearsal area where he had to alternate over and over again to get everything ready. I started to lighten up the atmosphere by saying he had promised to join me for steps every day to help my recovery, adding another comment with every turn. Everybody was laughing, except for Ben, which in the past would have triggered anger and arguments. That’s why I was happy when he jumped on me to hug me and said he was sorry for his attitude, that he was very stressed but that no one had to pay for that. I kissed him and kept on saying he had abandoned me, laughing. He did a lapse with me, and Jeff and Miss Isabel who had previously joined me a couple of lapses back. I had the opportunity to thank him for everything he was doing and told him to take the time he needed to set up, and that while he was the only one able to fix things up, he wasn’t alone anymore. We are embarking on that new disturbing and discomforting journey together, and that is the most important element. The rest would always be the rest as long as we are a tight unit. We hugged each other – not an easy feat while fast-walking! Old structural defense assemblages are not easy to put down… JENGA!!!