Getting to Know Leonard

The day started early for Leonard and me. He was agitated, nervous, and uncomfortable about something. You have to understand that Leonard has always been intense. He goes from 0 to 100 in a split second, whatever the object of his joy, interest, or need. “It’s ok, now…NOW!!!” So when it’s time to get out of bed, it’s time, even at 6 am. That’s probably the side effect of having gone to bed around 9 pm the night before. He didn’t want to go yet, so it’s payback time. Well… It’s probably all in my head, so you’ll have to ask him. One thing is for sure, he was focused on one of the windows I have in the room where we sat camp. I wasn’t able to see what was going on, but Leonard was turning around, going back to the window, jumping on the bed, going back to the window, and back to me on the bed. It looked like he was spinning on himself, trying to climb onto the window’s ledge, before coming in front of me while making the sounds he usually makes when I have to pay full attention to what he wants to communicate with me. I didn’t see anything by the window, but Leonard was insistent. I went outside to investigate the location he seemed to point to me and I saw a little crack in the roof where a squirrel was going to feed what seemed to be her babies. Leonard probably remembers that every spring in Virginia, we would have to save 1 or 2 squirrels who had fallen from their nests, and it’s Leonard who’d always find them. So that’s what he was doing; showing me where they were. I looked at him thinking: “Wait a minute, there’s a whole lot more to you than the funny and passionate temperament you have, I need to pay more attention!” It was a cute moment between us because Leonard has always been second after MacKaye, as he is more “the more the merrier” while Mac was “Why do all those people need to take away my time with Alex?” So we are discovering each other and Leonard is a fascinating character, to say the least.