Journal Edition #39

Coming back to Canada after a few months in Tangier has been hard, but I knew it was something I had to do in order to undergo a battery of tests to follow-up on my double-graft cardiac surgery. Not what I would call the ultimate idea of having a great time, even though I came back to Montreal for that very specific reason: my health. I won’t lie, I’m concerned. I know that what I’m presently dealing with ain’t “normal,” even for me. Last year’s checkup was concerning, especially for my biological graft degrading at an alarming pace, which could lead to a devastating outcome if today’s tests aren’t better. So what’s to expect? I don’t know. The truth, and good news, I hope.

So let’s see how it goes… I will let you know the details of my test results when they come in a few days and will do so from my Virginian home, where I’m heading shortly after my hospital stay.

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