Originally Published in Le Devoir
On September 20, 2024
Text by Sylvain Cormier
Read the original article in French here.

Barely emerged from the Luck and Strange by David Gilmour, we dive back in. Like the eternal ex-pinkfloyder in his ocean of guitars, we reconnect with the former members of Your Favorite Enemies, Alex Henry Foster and his sidekick Ben Lemelin, as if the adventure were still unfinished, their journey to the sea a letter not really written. Where are they, a few months after their Kimiyo ? The title of the album says it like the key to a process, it is about taking the measure of forms and its sounds. Reflections in music, exploration through ambient arrangements, feelings transformed into pure sensations. These are less instrumental musical pieces than fragments of humanity and footprints. A kind of fresco of a planet. There is nothing to say, but everything to touch. We have the impression at times, in Sorrowful Bouquetfor example, on the way to Reflective Ascentthat we retrace the route of the capsule that escaped from the ship 2001: A Space OdysseyKubrick’s film, as the choral effects carry the movement. Fascinating outfit.
A Measure of Shape and Sounds
Alex Henry Foster (Hopeful Tragedy Records)