Let’s Go - Make Your Beds
Another Monday, another doctor appointment… This time was a little different as it was a video call. Being in the studio, I figured it would be better to do it that way rather than spending 4 or 5 hours of my day basically talking since it was mostly a routine check. It wasn’t that bad of a rendezvous. Based on the metric I’m collecting daily, my body is still struggling to regulate my blood pressure and my biological graft is deteriorating somewhat too fast for their liking. More pills might be necessary. That’s not good news for someone like me who wants to get rid of those pills in the first place, but that’s a conversation I will have when I see her next time. The most hilarious part was the last part of the call: “I’ve sent a list of blood tests you’ll have to do by the end of the week with your local nurse.” I thought it was a joke, but it wasn’t. More body holes for me!!! Yeah… NOT!!!

Staying at the studio made my Monday walking-blood-bag personification status a little more comforting as I was excited to work on a song Mikko was really enthusiastic about. Its working title is “Memories”, which is basically about my brain micro-embolisms, which are still freaking me out at this point. If I can deal with my motor skill deficiencies, it’s a bit more difficult for me to work things out when it comes to my cognitive challenges. Writing my “Daily Studio Diary” helps me exercise my brain activities and greatly encourages me, knowing that it brings you all the very heart of my creative intimacy. It allows me to reflect on the day, but also to go a little deeper within myself… to see if there’s something I would have missed or of which I wouldn’t have truly seized the importance. Days go by so fast that I rarely have time to muse about it that much, therefore writing makes it tangible. The matters of the heart and soul are becoming somehow more palpable as well, which is essential to me. It keeps the spiritual purpose aligned with the fast-paced process this turmoil is, at least, for me it is.
It wasn’t a surprise to hear: “Alright guys, let’s get the structure right and we’ll record the beds (the bare-bones of the song) right after. It’s gonna be a great day!!!” The minute I joined the rest of the band in the main rehearsal room, we could feel just how “electric” Mikko felt about “Memories”. I like Mikko’s high spirit energy, it gives us a sense of urgency we’re lacking sometimes. It’s the product of crafting art with the very same people for more than a decade I guess. It’s not complacency, but comfort… a sensation I despise for its creative impotency. Comfort and security keep you in the realm of your limitations, unless your desire to reinvent yourself beyond the fear, your inner exploration starts decreasing. If you don’t break the cycle, may it be with positive confrontation, uncomfortable setups or uneasy sensations, you will be / sound / look / act like a parody of yourself, and irrelevance awaits to retire you with the other caricatures entertaining your life. I’d rather stop my creative journey than allow my art to become a travesty of itself. All that to say, there’s no comfort zone with Mikko and if my insecurities hate it, my soul craves for such necessity.
It wasn’t a surprise to hear: “Alright guys, let’s get the structure right and we’ll record the beds (the bare-bones of the song) right after. It’s gonna be a great day!!!” The minute I joined the rest of the band in the main rehearsal room, we could feel just how “electric” Mikko felt about “Memories”. I like Mikko’s high spirit energy, it gives us a sense of urgency we’re lacking sometimes. It’s the product of crafting art with the very same people for more than a decade I guess. It’s not complacency, but comfort… a sensation I despise for its creative impotency. Comfort and security keep you in the realm of your limitations, unless your desire to reinvent yourself beyond the fear, your inner exploration starts decreasing. If you don’t break the cycle, may it be with positive confrontation, uncomfortable setups or uneasy sensations, you will be / sound / look / act like a parody of yourself, and irrelevance awaits to retire you with the other caricatures entertaining your life. I’d rather stop my creative journey than allow my art to become a travesty of itself. All that to say, there’s no comfort zone with Mikko and if my insecurities hate it, my soul craves for such necessity.