Let’s Stretch The Issue… “Off” means RELAX!!!
If we usually have Sundays “off”, Mikko, after seeing me on the verge of fainting for most of the afternoon, decided that today would be a mandatory day off… a real day off, which meant: no extra studio work, as he realized that for Jeff, Ben, Miss Isabel and I, a “day off” has a different way of expressing “no studio work”, which means doing everything else instead. So once he figured that out, he made sure that “off” was included in the word combination of “day off” he intended in the first place… fair point.
So the whole band, except for me as I needed to catch my breath a little, went for dinner before going to a local hockey game… and off they went. Fun times for everyone…
So the whole band, except for me as I needed to catch my breath a little, went for dinner before going to a local hockey game… and off they went. Fun times for everyone…

I was in bed when they came back around 10:30pm (yes, that early). But Leonard woke me up and started to bark like crazy. He was freaking out from hearing people talking and getting into the house while I was sleeping, which is totally out of the ordinary. So he went in full protection mode in a quick second. It took him a whole half-hour to cool down… so I wasn’t able to sleep until 1am. So much for getting to bed early, right? 😉