Tonight’s Lavender Sky - Memories From Three Years Ago

We stepped out of the studio to get some fresh air with Leonard when I saw a wonderful spectacle of natural lights in full bloom. Miss Isabel said “Lavender Sky”, which was funny considering that the “Memories” showing on my iPad today were from 3 years ago as I was in Iceland to shoot the official video for… “Lavender Sky”. What an incredible trip it’s been. I realized just how much I miss our movie producer and friend Jessie, his sister Virginie, and all the production team members. There are moments like these that are truly pivotal to the person you will become afterward, and that are also defining lifelong friendships. Therefore, I couldn’t resist sharing a few pictures I took during the shooting, along with the official video.
“Funnily enough”, we got grounded in Reykjavik when the airline flying us back to Paris, Montreal, and New York went officially bankrupt the very same day we were scheduled to leave. “Unfortunate” events help connect with others and are costly contributing to a substantial late addition to the production budget. Spoiler alert, we left Iceland. 😉

Note: I’ll share about our first studio fight in my diary post tomorrow. It’s my dramatic cliffhanger for the day. 😉