Tour Chronicles
This section will feature my journey on the road, from the concerts to the songwriting process, the daily community reality, the creative and human discoveries I will make, the reflections related to my nomadic lifestyle, the sensations of being widely exposed as I let go on stage once again, as well as the emotions related to discovering and rediscovering who I am in such a communal context. To this will be added everything in between, of which I don’t quite reckon the affective implications just yet.
While I haven’t figured out the specific structure nor established a publication frequency, I might model my Tour Chronicles on my Studio Diary; a kind of spontaneous and free-form type of format I particularly appreciate for its heartfelt and instinctive nature. One thing is for sure, it will be utterly interesting for me to dwell in such a beautiful chaos of motion and find out how the whole process will evolve from one day to another and how transformative it will be to enfranchise myself through this streaming rhythm.
So let’s immerse ourselves together and see what might emerge from that deep kind of in-depth abandonment.
With love,
While I haven’t figured out the specific structure nor established a publication frequency, I might model my Tour Chronicles on my Studio Diary; a kind of spontaneous and free-form type of format I particularly appreciate for its heartfelt and instinctive nature. One thing is for sure, it will be utterly interesting for me to dwell in such a beautiful chaos of motion and find out how the whole process will evolve from one day to another and how transformative it will be to enfranchise myself through this streaming rhythm.
So let’s immerse ourselves together and see what might emerge from that deep kind of in-depth abandonment.
With love,