What About My Upcoming Project
In fact, it’s essential for me to remain deeply involved in the post-creative stream, as I’m offering you all to commune with me on a new intimate, heartfelt, and spiritual type of voyage, knowing that there’s no pre-defined destination, no pre-designed emotional map nor any pre-fabricated affective reactionary suggestion. It’s alive and in order to fully embrace it, I need to be entirely consumed by the soul of the project itself. So once the collective journey begins I can see those vivid primary colors expand in countless different shades I wouldn’t have been able to foresee otherwise. You can channel what has been a part of “you”, but it’s only the embodiment of something partly known and therefore “reassembly assumed” intellectually. There’s no inner-fulfillment in any of it, as there’s no substitute for the necessity to live it all, to keep on exploring its unique nature, to dive dive dive and dive some more… And if I believe that my art has the ability to evolve, I also firmly believe that we are evolving as well while abandoning ourselves to it.
Learn More About My Project

I’m an active member of communities of many artists and I’m defining mine by including everything I would like to receive myself as a fan of those bands, writers, and painters. Again, for me, it’s all about connection, communion, and evolvement. So you’ve got plenty of those personal and intimate elements in everything we are collectivizing with you. I find it as creatively exciting as it is singularly fun to define every exclusivity, from unofficial news to official ones, limited collectors items pre-sales, private concert soundchecks, and on and on, up to the membership packages. It’s the ultimate benediction for Jeff and I to envision those communal concepts and ideas, knowing we will share their uplifting joy with you soon after… life life life!!!!