Burning The Bridges - Part 3

Having such a small window of time musing on the song’s nature with Ben before we all gathered to listen to our material has been a liberating endeavor for both of us. Too much structural thinking refrains the necessary let-go involved in our creative motion, so those split sessions offer me the privilege to dig in with a deeper and more direct effect, while reflecting on its layering meaning without being constrained by the funnel vision taking place when we spend countless hours on a sonic textures, as vital of a split second of the song it might obviously be… Again, my lack of sustaining energy has been purging the futilities that have always taken a toll on my in-studio version of a moment (and why their live incarnations have always been something entirely different emotionally wise). That’s what I want to touch; more of the emotional layers of a song and less of the textural intellectualisation of its vehicle. This also what it means for me to be “burning the bridges” of my affective need for comfort and safety…