In Order to Write About Life

Today was truly empowering for me, just like every time I have a meeting with my management family. I’m still learning to be on the receiving end, since I’m not used to being taken care of with so much affection and engaging passion. I’m highly inspired to see this all-star team gathered together to bring my art and creations as far as it can possibly go. After years of operating on an island of my own, it’s quite invigorating for me to witness a world of limitless possibilities opening right before my eyes. It’s like being rewired every single time I share a moment, or receive a message or a text from any of them, reminding me of a quote from one of my favorite authors, Ernest Hemingway.

“In order to write about life, first you must live it.”

And no matter how frightening it might be for me, it’s time for me to embrace life like I’ve never had the courage to do it before.