Journal Edition #34: New year: grief, pain, light and rebirth…

The past year, but even more so the very last days of 2023, have been very difficult for me and the holiday season wasn’t as joyful as I wish it would have been. But what might feel like a grim and pessimistic tone reflecting the affective distress of what I went through especially with the passing of my sweet lil boy MacKaye – and still am – is in fact the total opposite, as this journal publication is a highly positive response to what I’m experiencing as I’m writing those words. If it’s always how we are facing the different dimensions of the journey we are in that defines its next step, let me share with you this new edition of my journal “From a Stranger to Another” as I will give you a few contextual elements to understand what I’m going through and the decisions that came out of it.

Read the journal
