Edition #39
Hospital Tests Day, As Real As Life & Death

While it has been a long time coming, the perspective of spending a whole day at the hospital to undertake a multitude of tests and rushing from one specialist to another wasn’t truly what I would call the ultimate idea of having a great time, even though I came back to Montreal for that very specific reason: my health. 

I have always been pretty reluctant to move elements around on my otherwise pretty hectic type of lifestyle schedule, but this time I knew I had to go no matter what I was engaged in and wherever I was flying from in the world to do so. I had too many episodes of dizziness, near fainting, extreme fatigue, and memory loss over the last couple of months, which were pretty much nothing compared to the massive daily headaches I had to endure over the last 3 weeks. Therefore, to ignore the potential seriousness of my condition would have been pure foolish negligence on my part.
I have a strange relationship with hospitals in general and me being in the hospital specifically, a sort of hate-hate kind of thing (yes, hate-hate). It probably dates back to my childhood, when I basically lived at the Montreal Children’s Hospital long enough to believe it was my home… I spent more time between the ages of 3 and 7 surrounded by nurses and doctors than my own folks at some point. It was “normal” for me. I often laughed, asking my mom if they had to pay rent for me or if it was a way for her and my father to get some alone moments. My mom always vigorously answered, “How can you laugh about that?! We thought we would lose you forever every day, every single day, Alex!!!” How can I say… I tend to have an uncanny sense of humor when it comes to my personal “tragedies”, but this… Nah, it’s borderline not cool, especially for my mom, who’s usually, oh Lord, the most driven badass person on the planet. She put up with quite a lot of stuff in her life and never lost her faith, her resilient determination, and her comforting presence. She’s got that little something, it’s hard to explain. If there’s still business for canonization, she deserves a shot at sainthood. “But what is the miracle she performed?” you may ask… No doubt, having to deal with me! I mean, she deserves a medal only for navigating my teenage years while cultivating the high hope that I would find my way at some point, and she still does to this very day. If you’re reading this, Mom (no worries, she is, as she fact-checks everything I share when it comes to personal posts — yes, it’s invading, troubling, and scary, but it keeps me honest, right?!), I love you mom 😉
Anyway, I digress… My hate-hate relationship with hospitals. It honestly doesn’t have much to do with my childhood hospital residency, come to think of it, as every member of the medical personnel has always been deeply caring and overwhelmingly invested with me. They kept saying I would become a doctor… Of course I would! Well, I sort of did: I’m a social worker by university standards (ok, almost. Music got in the way and I never finished the last few credits missing for me to get my diploma). So, as a kid, I never felt that spending numerous Christmas seasons at the hospital was sad or depressing; it was life. I often wondered why my parents were crying when they visited me every day; crying when they’d see me, crying when they had to leave (which was always way past visiting hours — the 5-year-old me already had some very bad influence on the whole system. Becoming a doctor? Maybe. A rebel? Most definitely!). When you are a child, your situation isn’t something you care about (maybe I should have), and my reality, as illusive as it might have been, wasn’t felt with the seriousness it must have commanded. My concern was about my folks crying all the time, as I thought I might have done something wrong, but, no, I hadn’t; I was simply severely ill. There was no wrong involved… Until you fast forward to the 13-17-year-old me. Then, I knew that not only was I doing all sorts of “something” wrong, I was the eponymous of “wrong”. But hey, I had some “life” to catch up to, right?!

I think my perception of hospitals was mostly impacted by the sickness and deaths I encountered at a very early age. It started with all the kids “disappearing” from our shared room, followed by their visitors screaming their pain at the top of their lungs. I’ve learned the notion of someone being with Jesus before I actually knew the guy himself. My deeply beloved grandfather Henry died when I was 6. My grandmother Manse died at 57 when I was a preteen. My grandfather Jack died when I was 13, around the same time my aunt passed away from cancer at age 42. And on, and on, and on… I know death is part of the cycle of life, obviously. You can measure that notion of rationality as an adult — until it hits you right in the heart, I suppose. In my case, it was being with my father when he had his last breath, lying down on his hospital bed. He departed at age 61, after a cancer that hadn’t been identified early enough following years of wrong diagnostics. “It’s in your head, Mr. Foster, no need to worry.” No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t in his head: it was in his pancreas, his prostate, his lungs, his glands, and pretty much everywhere. Not bad for a missed call… But that’s an easy take on my part. For every wrong once in a while, there’s an endless quantity of rights that save lives. It just hurts even more when you stand on the tragic column that is the wrong call, and logic doesn’t prevent emotions from destroying you inside. The loss of my father left too much of an unbearable heaviness within me to allow any of my cerebral acuity to provide me some rational comfort. You learn to accept, but you never truly heal.
So yes, today’s hospital tests… I don’t really know what to expect or to make out of any of them. I’m alive, and that’s a miracle in itself. But I can’t say that I feel any better ever since I had my life saved. Again, don’t get me wrong; I’m immensely grateful for that second chance, always will be. I’m honoring that gift every day. And even my mom, who knows a thing or two about my propensity to do what I want (which is rarely what I have to), was impressed by how seriously I fully dove into my new chance at life. She even told my surgeon, after she realized that he was using the “fear of the worst” factor to “motivate” me to take my recovery requirement with the utmost rigor when I was about to leave my 10-day intensive care “vacation”: “Doc, my son has his own solar system; tell it to him like it is, otherwise he won’t ever even consider following your instructions.” I told you, my mom’s a tough client to deal with. But it was a good thing when my surgeon told me I had to follow what he said, or I’d be dead within the next 5 years, and everyone’s dedication towards saving me would have been a total waste of their engagement. Said like that, as unromantic as it might sound, it is pretty clear. In my case, motivating. In reality, the message was clear for me before that “do what I say or die in vain” type of thing, and if this text might look like I take it lightly, trust me, I don’t. I don’t take it lightly at all. On the contrary, it’s intensely real… Every single day.

I won’t lie, I’m concerned. I know that what I’m presently dealing with ain’t “normal,” even for me. Last year’s checkup was concerning, especially for my biological graft degrading at an alarming pace, which could lead to a devastating outcome if today’s tests aren’t better. So what’s to expect? I don’t know. The truth, and good news, I hope. I despise make-believes way more than I “hate” spending time at the hospital (well… I “hate” it when I’m involved, but I strongly vouch for it when it concerns anyone I care for and love. It’s called a paradox. I know, because I got quite a few!) I entirely trust my specialists, and I had the blessing to become close friends with my cardiologist. He even came to record some songs at my studio with his family band. He’s one of the most incredibly caring and benevolent individuals I’ve met in my life. His support towards my condition goes way beyond my physical health, as he’s the one who accompanied me through the emotionally distressing aspect of my post-surgery recovery and who guided me through my persistent cognitive problems. No need to say, I’m in very good hands. So it’s comforting. It’s a priceless privilege for me. The rest is the rest, and I don’t have control over that so-called rest. I have to follow the mechanic of it all and respect the whole process involved with it. There’s a significant measure of gratefulness in letting go, in having faith in what sublimates our illusory need for control, in what subjugates our deceptive vision of reality… And that’s my focus right now.
So let’s see how it goes… I will let you know the details of my test results when they come in a few days and will do so from my Virginian home, where I’m heading shortly after my hospital stay. I can’t believe I only spent 2 weeks at home since I left in January 2024… that’s exactly what my body, my heart, and my spirit long for right now: a meaningful journey in one of the only places I can feel peace and comfort… HOME.

Thank you all for your kind-hearted affection towards me, it’s the most empowering gift I could ever wish for. You are precious to me.

Be safe and give me some news when you have a moment.

Your friend and brother,

Alex Tagebuch abonnieren

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