Kimiyo; Discover All the Songs
We are approximately 48 hours from the release of Kimiyo at the moment I write this. I am about to get on the plane that will bring me back to the band’s HQ, in Drummondville, after a few days in Frankfurt, Germany, where we shipped all your packages. I know some of you have already received your albums… Thank you for the photos and videos, they mean the world to me! I am utterly touched to see you embrace Kimiyo the way you do. Thank you!
For those of you who haven’t ordered the album or haven’t received it, here is a glimpse into every song from the album, before its official release!
Scan the QR codes below, take a dive in this unique journey, and make the voyage yours!
For those of you who haven’t ordered the album or haven’t received it, here is a glimpse into every song from the album, before its official release!
Scan the QR codes below, take a dive in this unique journey, and make the voyage yours!