Moose… We’re All Daf Now?!?
In the midst of all the passion going on, we often miss a very special element that takes place without anyone noticing. In that particular case, while I was banging on Ben’s guitar during a significantly raging section of the song, I lifted my head wondering why the drums had stopped all of a sudden, only to see Moose playing daf with a very light and subtle (meaning unperceivable to the human ears) touch of his fingers. Think Swans playing a full-on intense part of a song while someone in the back of the packed venue gently hits wooden spoons on a fluffy wool cushion, wondering why we can’t hear his idea. “Easy, Moose; we’re all daf!” Jeff said, we all cracked laughing. “I think I’ll go back on drums,” Moose added, laughing as well. Ah, the beauty of modern technology; I captured that moment on picture! Love it!!!