There’s No Crying In Rock ‘n’ Roll… Or Is There?!?

Ben is ill. It sums up the beginning of the day. I arrived at the Studio a little before 9 am and bumped into him. He looked like he was crying, like big time. In a different context I would have been worried, but considering that I’ve been the one having to deal with the most sobbing tragedies up to that point, I was somehow comforted to know I wouldn’t be the only one remembered for crying during the album process. Nope, false alarm. He wasn’t crying, he was only “looking” terribly ill… damn!!! It would have been cool not to be the sole drama-walking disaster for a day. Oh well, better luck next time. I should pay more attention to the others’ emotional condition now, and go around asking: “What would make you cry today? Personal stuff, wars, natural disasters, human catastrophes, the end of the world, hidden sins maybe? Anyone feeling guilty for one reason or another, no?!? Does anybody want to watch BBC international news with me, maybe later?!? Who wants to compare the 90’s music business economy with the conditions with which we need to operate now? Come on guys, you need to educate yourselves on what shapes our daily challenges, come on…” I might have better luck with someone more sensitive to the actual horrors only human nature can produce. Let’s see…
– Me: “Sef, you know that Hulk is not a real person right?!? He’s only a cartoon character. I’m very sorry to be the one bearing the news, it must be devastating for you, right?… RIGHT?”
– Sef: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU’RE LYING… I SAW HIM ON TV. You should fix your meds, bro, you’re talking nonsense. Hulk, a cartoon? Your brain really fried more than I thought. You need your brain scan brother, you’re losing contact with reality big time here. Hulk saved the planet too many times to be shamed because he’s different… Some people are canceled for less than that. Be careful my dead brain friend.”
– Old Fragmented Me (Talking to himself): “I didn’t remember just how wonderful of a friend this Sef guy was and how much potential fun material he could be. We’ll have to stay a little closer to that man-child from now…”
– New Me: “That Sef looks super cool. We should invite him to do activities with us…”
– Old Fragmented Me: “You bet we will. Do you think he likes to play with fire?!?”
– New Me: “But it’s dangerous…”
– Old Fragmented Me: “Oh, you’re right new friend. I’ll make sure to guide him very carefully then…”
– New Me: “YEAH, Sef will join our caravan of happiness. Adventures… here we come!!!”
– Old Fragmented Me (Thinking): “Oh God… I want to immolate myself, right now.”
Anyway, where was I? Yes, yes… Ben is ill and he looks in a terrifying bad shape. I felt so deeply compassionate for his dreadful condition. That being said, let’s see what today’s game plan is… (You understand that it’s “Old Fragmented Me” that’s currently writing, right? 😉 )
On a more serious note, Ben was truly unwell. His eyes couldn’t stop dripping. He had a runny nose and his face was somehow… how could I say… massively half swollen.
– Ben: “I feel like my face is bigger on one side.”
– Me: “What?!? No, no… you look as fabulous as always brother.”
– Old Fragmented Me talking to New Me: “See, that’s a white lie. It means being nice to others.”
– New Me: “Oh, I see. So lying is a good thing then…”
– Old Fragmented Me: “You are so brilliant my friend, it’s dangerously promising. Keep following me and you’ll go places…”
– New Me: “YEAH!!! New places to discover!!!”
– Me: “Sef, you know that Hulk is not a real person right?!? He’s only a cartoon character. I’m very sorry to be the one bearing the news, it must be devastating for you, right?… RIGHT?”
– Sef: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU’RE LYING… I SAW HIM ON TV. You should fix your meds, bro, you’re talking nonsense. Hulk, a cartoon? Your brain really fried more than I thought. You need your brain scan brother, you’re losing contact with reality big time here. Hulk saved the planet too many times to be shamed because he’s different… Some people are canceled for less than that. Be careful my dead brain friend.”
– Old Fragmented Me (Talking to himself): “I didn’t remember just how wonderful of a friend this Sef guy was and how much potential fun material he could be. We’ll have to stay a little closer to that man-child from now…”
– New Me: “That Sef looks super cool. We should invite him to do activities with us…”
– Old Fragmented Me: “You bet we will. Do you think he likes to play with fire?!?”
– New Me: “But it’s dangerous…”
– Old Fragmented Me: “Oh, you’re right new friend. I’ll make sure to guide him very carefully then…”
– New Me: “YEAH, Sef will join our caravan of happiness. Adventures… here we come!!!”
– Old Fragmented Me (Thinking): “Oh God… I want to immolate myself, right now.”
Anyway, where was I? Yes, yes… Ben is ill and he looks in a terrifying bad shape. I felt so deeply compassionate for his dreadful condition. That being said, let’s see what today’s game plan is… (You understand that it’s “Old Fragmented Me” that’s currently writing, right? 😉 )
On a more serious note, Ben was truly unwell. His eyes couldn’t stop dripping. He had a runny nose and his face was somehow… how could I say… massively half swollen.
– Ben: “I feel like my face is bigger on one side.”
– Me: “What?!? No, no… you look as fabulous as always brother.”
– Old Fragmented Me talking to New Me: “See, that’s a white lie. It means being nice to others.”
– New Me: “Oh, I see. So lying is a good thing then…”
– Old Fragmented Me: “You are so brilliant my friend, it’s dangerously promising. Keep following me and you’ll go places…”
– New Me: “YEAH!!! New places to discover!!!”