Tired… But Very Happy!!!
The morning went by so rapidly. It’s quite crazy, it’s like being in the permanent eye of a storm, everything goes fast, fast, fast around you but you need to remain focused and within the moment regardless of how uncomfortable you might feel or whatever slower of a pace you might think would be better for the whole creative process. If there’s one thing that I’m learning while having Mikko leading the whole affair, it’s that I didn’t know much besides our own momentum type of collective culture surrounding writing and production. It’s not about what’s best or not, it’s simply different, but in a very interesting way. And if I’m still destabilized, I like to be in a position where I don’t have time to second-guess myself or to let “doubts” get in the way of what a song truly is. And that’s the only latching that mattered to me honestly… the song.
My level of energy is manageable so far but I know I’m totally driven by the high level of adrenaline involved through it all. My body is flipping out a little as it’s like being seated on a chair all day, for the best part of a year to suddenly start an Ironman competition in the Alps or something. It’s brutal, therefore I need to be careful. It’s a marathon, not a sprint and Mikko is making sure I’m not overheating the whole “machine”. He asked Jeff: “If I ask Alex if he’s tired, will he tell me? Or if I ask him if he needs to catch his breath a little, will he tell me how he truly feels?” Jeff’s spontaneous laughter was enough of an answer for Mikko to understand that no, I wouldn’t stop and no I wouldn’t take a break, which is partly based on my deep enthusiasm towards living every second of it all and my habit to tell my body to keep on pressing on no matter how much of a pause he needs. So I have to rewire the whole line of inner command and give my body some room to rest if only a little… Sounds easier to write about it than actually doing it, but hey, at least I know, so it’s half a victory, in some way.
My level of energy is manageable so far but I know I’m totally driven by the high level of adrenaline involved through it all. My body is flipping out a little as it’s like being seated on a chair all day, for the best part of a year to suddenly start an Ironman competition in the Alps or something. It’s brutal, therefore I need to be careful. It’s a marathon, not a sprint and Mikko is making sure I’m not overheating the whole “machine”. He asked Jeff: “If I ask Alex if he’s tired, will he tell me? Or if I ask him if he needs to catch his breath a little, will he tell me how he truly feels?” Jeff’s spontaneous laughter was enough of an answer for Mikko to understand that no, I wouldn’t stop and no I wouldn’t take a break, which is partly based on my deep enthusiasm towards living every second of it all and my habit to tell my body to keep on pressing on no matter how much of a pause he needs. So I have to rewire the whole line of inner command and give my body some room to rest if only a little… Sounds easier to write about it than actually doing it, but hey, at least I know, so it’s half a victory, in some way.