From An Amazing Gift To An Instant Family Classic
As you know, I’ve had the utmost privilege to be part of the In de Goot family for almost a year now. They are not only carefully taking care of my artistic projects, but also look after our hearts and make sure we are doing good. They have an intrinsic part in our lives and the human benevolence they have towards us has an empowering impact on who we are evolving in, both as individuals and as artists. They are quite a blessing for us all.
That’s why, when we were told by one of the HTR team members that Jeff received a box from In De Goot, we knew it would be as thoughtful as they genuinely love us. Right after dinner, we brought the box in the studio to share that moment with Jeff. No one had a clue what it would be, if only that it would be the extension of the relationship they have with him. And we were right. Amongst all the amazing elements included in the box, was a bag with David Yurman written on it. I had a pretty good idea of what it might be, since I received a fabulous one myself for my birthday, but since Jeff wasn’t there when I opened mine back in November, he didn’t have a clue before opening it. When he did, he discovered an amazing pendant, and he was really moved and touched. He read the birthday card explaining the meaning behind the design and why it was specifically chosen for him. We took a few pictures and Jeff sent them to Bill and Jennie, all enthusiastic about his gift. They quickly answered. “Can we call you?”
Jeff went outside of the studio for some privacy while we kept on talking about how incredible of a relationship we already had with them. Jeff came back a few minutes after… We didn’t know if he was about to laugh or cry — or both.
Me: “Are you ok, brother? How was the call?”
Jeff: “It’s not the good pendant, Bill said.”
Me: “What?! Oh no! Really? they must be so disappointed right now…”
Miss Isabel: “The boutique messed things up?”
Jeff: “Listen to that… As they were telling me that it wasn’t the good one, they sent me a picture to show me what the right one looks like.”
He showed us the picture, and we all cracked laughing. I mean, I was crying from laughter, Ben wasn’t able to breathe, and Miss Isabel was in shock before joining the laughing party, while Moose was trying to figure out what was actually funny as he hadn’t seen the pendant. “I freaking put it on the wrong side…!!! It goes the other way,” Jeff laughed.
Poor Bill and Jennie… They must have thought that we needed some serious caring love…! Well, they could see our humble collective upbringing on full display — and the fact that we have never truly worn jewelry before. To Jeff’s credits, the pendant was stunning on each of its sides, so it wasn’t that far-fetched, especially based on Jeff’s explanation:
“I thought the design was something you need to wear on your chest or something, something personal and intimate, kind of like an energy pendant. Man, I look like a real dummy now…!”
Jennie insisted that it was the proper artistic way to see things; we make the rules by breaking them all the time and redefining them. She’s fantastic… And she’s right.
We spent the rest of the evening laughing between songs, especially as we were commenting on the songs and had to look at Jeff wearing his pendant — on the right side! That was a good laugh. An instant classic, as Moose said, cracking a smile.
I think that little moment truly encapsulates the relationship we have with Bill and Jennie, but is also the perfect reflection of what we commune with the In De Goot family. That’s life creating life, and it’s as magnificent as it is empowering and inspiring.