Edition #18
Saying Goodbye to 2021 and Welcoming 2022
I want to take a moment, as we slowly came to the end of what has not only been another emotionally challenging and engagingly distressing year, but also a beautifully moving and deeply transformative one, to wish you a resting, peaceful, and comforting new year.
May this time be rejuvenating in every possible way, as no matter how confusing, painful, and frustrating the current pandemic may be for every one of us, I believe that nothing can deprive us of the empowering joy and uplifting exaltation we have the opportunity to offer ourselves and to commune with others – whoever it could be; family, friends, loved ones, strangers…
There’s always a new element, a new discovery, a new amazement, simple yet grandiose, for me to keep dwelling on wherever a streaming journey might lead me on any given day.
If there’s something that I learned in 2021, through the kindness of your messages, through our generous exchanges, and through our singular connection, it is that hope will always be a gift that brightly radiates beyond our own brokenness and that has the ability to redefine what we once considered too damaged to repair, too far to embrace, too late to dream of, too pointless to try all over again, or too desperate to live. If our existence seems complex and perplexing, at best, there’s always a new element, a new discovery, a new amazement, simple yet grandiose, for me to keep dwelling on wherever a streaming journey might lead me on any given day.
That’s why I’m so profoundly grateful for each and every one of you, for your affection, but also for welcoming me as I am, for reminding me that however far I may have drifted or how lost I can feel at times, I’m worth being reached out to. Your caring hearts allowed me to see what I couldn’t stand for so long, what I couldn’t look at anymore; pieces of regret, of failure, of faithlessness, of despair. Thank you, my precious friends, for your patient and benevolent love towards me. It is truly a precious and liberating present, and it means more than words can express.
Therefore, as you inspired me to freely look and foresee, I would like to invite you all to design what 2022 can be. Let’s do it together, so we can let our momentary instants of darkness be regenerated, a day after another, from a color to the next, with the hope that it will defy time’s implacable nature itself.
Much love to you all.
Your friend and brother,