One Funeral After Another
Today was quite emotional for me, as I attended the funeral of one of my high school best friend’s mother, with whom I not only grew up but who truly was like a second mother to me. There was a slideshow video of old pictures displayed in the gathering space, so many dormant memories were rekindled from one slide to another. It’s fascinating to see that what was designed as a moment fixed in time can transcend the very nature of our life flow to become intrinsically part of who we are, another example that, just like any form of art created beyond ego and self-validation, the stream of our existence is constituted of those evolving instants… That’s how it felt when I saw old friends, met their loved ones and their kids, and laughed at all the crazy nonsense our days were made of not so long ago. I have never been too concerned to know if people actually accomplished the visions they had of their future selves as teenagers, as I’m far more interested to know if they still allow themselves to be amazed by the ordinary wonders we are all surrounded by. For me, that’s where happiness lies, not in social titles or corporate positions. You never miss the mark when the goal is where your heart is. It might be a naive view, but again, I’d rather be naive than cynical.